About Us



Family Dentistry addresses oral health throughout every stage of life. The Canadian Dental association recommends that toddlers see a dentist within 6 months of the first tooth eruption. Oral health is imperative in maintaining a good well being.

While General Dentistry and Family Dentistry may be considered the same; one differentiates from the other. All dentists graduating from an accredited 4 year dental degree are able to perform all aspects of dentistry from cosmetic procedures, root canals and regular preventative dentistry. Some will choose to focus in 1 or 2 of these aspects.

Family dentist must understand the variety of treatment options available and their application within different age groups. Treatments vary from babies to the elderly and understanding their implication may dictate which are more favorable. As family dentist we must tailor the treatment to the patient’s needs considering, age, health, needs, and desires.

Routine “check-ups” provide routine teeth cleaning to eliminate plaque build-up and prevent tooth decay. Depending on the development of the teeth as well and the potential carries risk they may also provide various fluoride treatments to help coat the teeth and help them become more resistant to “cavities”. Preventive oral health care appointments may also serve as early detection of various health problems that can be detected in the mouth before any other signs or symptoms present.

Your family dentist should be your first reference to any concerns or desires you may have in regards to mouth. Whether it’s a lump or bump, a cosmetic procedure or a simple question, the dentist at New Sudbury Dental are dedicated to answering all your questions. They have also developed good relations with specialist in the area to further help with diagnostics and treatments needs.


New Patient Evaluation

Did you know many illnesses may present themselves in the mouth before any other physical signs can be detected? During your first visit we will observe not only your current dental health, but will also discuss your medical background in general, your life circumstances, needs and desires, and aesthetic concerns. Based on our observations we will together choose the most appropriate direction for your future dental care.

You can enjoy a hot or cold beverage in our waiting room, and a washroom is available if you would like to freshen up or give your teeth a brush. Your visit will be about 60 minutes. We like to know our patients completely, so we will cover many areas of your health including:

  • Listening to your concerns and answering your questions

  • Digital x-rays of all your teeth and a panoramic digital x-ray

  • Digital photographs of your mouth and smile

  • Assessing the fit and function of any previous dental work

  • Examining the health of your gums

  • Evaluating your teeth alignment, bite and TMJ

  • Performing an oral cancer screening

  • Addressing any aesthetic concerns you may have

  • Understanding if you have anxiety about visiting the dentist

  • Reviewing your complete medical history

  • Discussing how your general health may impact your dental health, and vice versa


Preventative Care

At New Sudbury Dental preventative dentistry is the corner stone of our practice. Our team want you to have the healthiest smile possible and believe preventive care is the key to not only good oral health, but health of your whole body. We offer our patients the latest in preventive care practices and education to ensure your good oral health. Good oral hygiene begins at home. Our doctors will take the time to demonstrate correct brushing and flossing for each member of your family. Even young children can learn to brush and floss their teeth correctly. Starting good oral hygiene early is one of the most effective preventive care tips we can share with you. These practices will help prevent periodontal and gum disease, cavities, and tooth loss. At New Sudbury Dental our doctors recommend coming in twice a year for preventative care for the average patient with no periodontal disease.